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Gentleness and health are the number one priority of our bee breeding. We breed exclusively with the domestic Carnica-bee. This race, common in the Eastern Alps, originally native in the Balkans, is famous for its gentleness. This low-maintenance honeybee however is also distinguished due to its resilience.
Our bee colonies are tested annually for their productivity, gentleness, health, development, honey production and inclination to swarm.
Starting Mid-May breeding queen bees, with a few hundred worker bees, are brought to the mating station in the Höllental in mating nucs. The mating station is located between Rax and Schneeberg (each is over 2000m high). The queen bees are being mated with by drones located there. The semen supply, which she stores in her semen glands, suffices for her whole life. After two weeks the mating is completed. Subsequently they come back and are on their way into a new bee colony.
For specialists – artificial insemination
The artificial insemination is a specialty field I occupy myself with. Gladly I share my knowledge about this with others for example in courses at the Lower Austrian beekeeping school in Warth.